Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Color Purple Eggs

Easter is now all but an afterthought and we are left with only our fond memories & a gang of hard-boiled eggs. I for one enjoy partaking in some good eggs for breakfast, but there's no way we can down the dozens of eggs that we dyed. As a family we have taken on a "waste not, want not" attitude. So regretfully the hubby and I could not have our "Eggtravagant Explosion". What is the "Eggtravagant Explosion" you ask? Well, its only one of the best traditions in the Kelley household. I am BIG on holidays, my better half... not so much. He does however love me and will do anything within reason to shut me up. We would decorate and dye eggs to celebrate the Easter holiday. After the delight of decorating was over...we were left with a basket of eggs that neither of us wanted to eat. Now this is where the some of the details get a bit fuzzy, but somehow we came to the BRILLIANT conclusion that watching the eggs explode into colorful bits would be AWESOME! We gathered up our ammo and proceeded to the back yard. Once on the scene we would take turns throwing the eggs into the branches of this great old tree we had. The sight was one of glorious gore. All of those brightly colored egg bits would shower down upon the earth. Our smiles were ones of mischievous children. I miss those days...Now we are all grown up and have to act like if most of the time. So instead of having "Eggtravagant Explosion" we have to settle for "Pickled Eggs". Bit of a let down, huh? I will be the first to tell you that "Pickled Eggs", while not as cool as the "Eggtravagant Explosion" are pretty dern good with lunch.

List O' Stuff
12 Hard-Boiled Eggs, Peel 'em Please
2 15 oz can of beets in juice
1 Medium Onion
2 Cups of White Vinegar
1 Cup of Sugar
1 Teaspoon of Black Pepper
1 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Teaspoon of Garlic Powder
 How To:
  • In a saucepan combine the vinegar, sugar, pepper, salt, and garlic powder. Bring to a boil until the sugar is dissolved. Allow to cool.
  • While cooling, cut the onions into rings and set aside.
  • In a large container/jar combine the canned beets, eggs, and onions. ( I used a big old pickle jar)
  • Pour the vinegar solution into the container over the eggs.
  • Place in to the fridge overnight. (If you are in a rush you can serve after being refrigerated for at least 2 hours.)
  • The longer these soak the better they get!

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