Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A lil Paint

My wonderful little bamboo trunk that I got on sale at Pier 1 back in the day ended up being murdered by Sir, my son, or so I thought. Sir figured it was a brilliant idea to open the lid and jump on it, which of course caused the lid to pop right off. Now this was after he spilled juice on it, let play-doh dry up in all the cracks and crevices, colored on it, and  I'm sure he probably peed on it a time or two. But with the lid broken, I had given up hope on my little ole trunk. My husband, Ethan, being the ultimate optimist and self proclaimed "Mr. Fix It All" told me to put it in the garage and he would do his best to revive it one day. Months and months and some more months passed and finally that "one day: was here. The trunk had accumulated a impressive amount of dust during its hiatus in the garage. I grabbed some "Mr. Mรบsculo" & a rag and got to work. After cleaning that thing until my arms ached and my nose couldn't take any more of that "frutos rojos" stench, I was a bit disappointed. My once brilliant bamboo trunk now appeared to be nothing more than a bamboo box covered in nicks and scratches. Oh, what to do?....... Paint! Yes, Paint! Paint covers up a multitude of sins! After a small debate over the perfect hue for my bamboo, it was time to get to get busy. First up, we painted it with a white primer coat. My husband assures me that primer coats are  VERY important. Now for the fun part. SPRAY PAINT!!! I grabbed a can of "amarillo oro" and  a spray grip. Spray grips are one of those things that you don't realize you need until you have one. Then you don't know how you ever lived without it before.It makes spray painting 489,379,874 times easier. Back in the day I would end up with a dent in my finger, paint under my nails, and paint drips. The spray grip eleminates all of that! Ok now my infomercial is over... With a few coats the trunk was transformed into something spectacular. The bamboo trunk now is a stylish place to store my kids ish!
Raggedy Ol Trunk
Primer Coat

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